Backstage Tinted is a dark gray tinted surface for high quality rear projection in high ambient light conditions.
Backstage Tinted is a dark gray tinted surface for high quality rear projection in high ambient light conditions.
Black Diamond allows projection to exist with the lights on or off by increasing projector contrast over 300%. Customers now have the ability to utilize projection in environments that only a flat panel TV could exist before.
Gamma HD is a front projection material which is a very popular for use in dark theater environments. Gamma provides a wide viewing angle, high contrast, bright picture and excellent colour accuracy.
Gamma Maestro HD’s is a woven screen material with black level and color saturation enhancement combined with excellent color neutrality, HD resolution, brightness uniformity, and wide viewing angles combine to make it an excellent screen for use with a bright projector in both moderately lit and dark environments.
Lunar HD .85 Gray is a front projection material particularly suited for applications with ambient light and/or brighter projectors. Lunar preserves color saturation and accuracy in a multitude of challenging environments.
Lunar Maestro HD’s is a woven screen with black level and color saturation enhancement combined with excellent color neutrality, HD resolution, brightness uniformity, and wide viewing angles combine to make it an excellent screen for use with a bright projector in both moderately lit and dark environments.
Solar HD is a front projection material with a bright punch, providing a wide viewing angle, high contrast, and a bright picture in a wide variety of viewing environments.